Avira Internet Security 2013 Full HBDEV Key Till 15/09/2015

Avira Internet Security 2013

The ultimate security software for your connected world.

Avira Internet Security 2013 merupakan antivirus terbaru yang baru saja diluncurkan oleh Avira. Avira Internet Security dapat melindungi PC/Laptop kita ketika kita sedang berselancar di dunia maya, baik saat kita sedang download, online banking, streaming movies, dll. Pada versi 2013 ini sudah ada penambahan fitur Perlindungan "awan", pelacak website yang tidak aman, penasihat keamanan, keamanan untuk Android,  Anti Phishing lanjutan, dan perlindungan jejaring sosial.
What’s new in Version 2013?
Staying safe online isn’t merely about shielding your PC. It’s about being in control of your security and privacy, no matter how, when and where you connect. That’s why the new version of Avira is designed to revolve around you, protecting your PC, your smartphone and your web privacy. Extend security to every facet of your online life. Enhancements in Version 2013 include:

  • Browser Tracking Blocker new Stops over 600 companies from recording your web activities
  • Protection Cloud new Real-time malware classification and extremely fast system scanning
  • Website Safety Advisor new Security ratings in your search results—know before you go!
  • Advanced AntiPhishing new Proactive protection from the craftiest email scams
  • Security for Android new Lost phone recovery, privacy protection and call/SMS blocking

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